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Haley Karren

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Haley Karren

Beyond the Surface: Collage

Collage is an art form that involves assembling various materials to create a composition. The term “collage” derives from the French term papiers collés, which describes techniques of pasting paper cut outs onto various surfaces. It was developed in the early twentieth century, with the rise of Cubism, Surrealism, and...

Haley Karren

Taipei Hacker House

The Taipei Hacker House was a smashing success! The Hacker House, organized by Solana x Jump x Circle, took place from May 10 to May 14. We were honored to organize the Exchange Art Gallery, which highlighted Asian artists and artists of Asian descent. In this exhibition, we displayed the...

Haley Karren

Beyond the Surface: Sculptures

Did you know that sculptures can exist digitally as GLB files? GLB files are a type of 3D file format that present 3D models with animation and motion. GLB stands for "GL Transmission Format Binary," which means that the file is a binary file format that contains data...

Haley Karren

The Insider - Issue #09

Never a dull moment in crypto! No matter where you turned in the past few weeks, you couldn’t miss the Memecoin Mania taking over the timeline. Whether it’s your thing or not, it’s a great time for artists and collectors alike to strike while the iron is...

Haley Karren

Beyond the Surface: Pixel Art

Pixel art, an arrangement of pixels that form a larger image, has had a resurgence with the growth of blockchain technology and digital art. A pixel is the smallest element of a digital image. The term “pixel” is a combination of the words “picture” and “element.” Pixel art began in...

Haley Karren

Beyond the Surface: Flat Art

There has been a surge of interest in flat art in the digital art space. In flat art, artists eschew the use of outlines, edges, shadows, and highlights in an effort to create 2-dimensional space. Colors are extensive and unmodulated as artists reduce visual elements to their most basic form,...

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